*The COVID-19 Resources will be continually updated.
Available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
During business hours, you may call our main line at (317) 926-1660 or email us at info@abilityindiana.org. We will respond to all messages within 24 hours.
- Shalom Health Center
- Independent Living Research Utilization
- Deaf Link ASL
- CareSource Community Resource List
- INSILC COVID-19 Resources
- Disability Information and Access Line for COVID-19
- CARES Act for PWD
- Social Security Administration
- FSSA Guidance
- IRS Update
- Department of Workforce Development – Indiana Unemployment
Fact Sheets
- CDC – Things to Know Fact Sheet
- ARC Recovery Rebates Fact Sheet
- NAMI Resources Fact Sheet
- COVID-19 Glossary of Terms
- ISDH Deaf Communication Fact Sheet
- Stay Safe from COVID-19: How I get my COVID-19 shot (CDC.gov)
- CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker
- Adult Vaccination | CDC
- The Adult Vaccine Quiz | CDC
- COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Info
- COVID-19 Materials for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Care Providers
- Indiana Department of Health
- Centers for Disease Control
- Indiana Disability Resource Finder
- Charitable Advisors
- Indiana Board of Elections – Absentee Voting
- Indy Hunger Network
- PSA Grocery Shopping Tips for COVID-19
- Donate and Volunteer Indy
- Resources for Older Adults
- Latest COVID-19 Guidance from the Administration for Community Living
- Keeping Peace with Family During Corona Virus Isolation
- Supporting Families and Children during the COVID-19
- COVID-19 Can be a Daunting Challenge for Children with Disabilties
Marion County
- Indiana COVID-19 Vaccination Resources: Center for Health Equity at Indiana University Bloomington
- Re-Entry Resource List: Marion County Re-Entry Coalition
- Vaccines.gov – Find COVID-19 Vaccine Locations Near You